Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

May 9, 2022

Gone are the days where eloping only means running off to Vegas or popping by the courthouse. Elopements have been trending lately, but it’s not the kind of elopement your mother thinks of when she hears the word. Eloping now means you have just opened up Pandora’s box of opportunities, not closed yourself off from them! If you are anything like us, you are obsessed with elopements and all the possibilities that they bring. Not convinced you want to elope or don’t even know where to start? Check out our blog on How to Elope. If you have decided eloping is for you and you want to make it the most special day with some elopement activities, keep reading!

So you have decided to elope with the love of your life, congratulations! This is such an exciting season in your life, and we are so honored that you chose to spend some of it reading this blog. By now you know, we are here to give you all the goods when it comes to elopement and wedding education and how to make it the best day of your life. With this blog, we hope to do just that! So let’s get down to it. 

Let us guess. You told your family you were eloping with the love of your life and they immediately thought you’d be going to Vegas or the courthouse and that’s it? Or maybe you decided eloping might be for you but you want to make a whole day out of it? That’s where we come in. We wanted to bring you a bunch of ideas for elopement activities to make it that much more special. Your day doesn’t just have to be a lovely ceremony and a photoshoot (unless you want it to be). Your elopement day can be as full of activity as you deem fit. 

Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

Elopement Timeline

Before we jump into activities though, let’s talk about your general elopement timeline. It may seem like because you are eloping you don’t need a set out timeline for your day. We highly suggest you make one though, no matter how small your elopement is. You want to make sure you’re fitting in all your must haves for the day. Without a timeline, there is so much more potential for things to go awry and forget a must have until it’s too late. Work with your planner or photographer to come up with the best timeline for you. The time frames are going to be up to you and your photographer, so just make sure to work extra closely with them on timing it all out! Here are some things we would recommend making sure you have time for in your timeline:

  • Sunrise & sunset
  • Drive time / hiking time / time to get to where you are going
  • Times that vendors will arrive and leave
  • Times that you will fuel yourself (food)
  • Include time for a hiccup or something to happen, so if it does you’re covered
  • Add in additional time for parking
  • Make sure to check for any oddities around time of day and lighting
    • For example:
      • When eloping in Denver, it gets dark significantly earlier than the normal “time” of sunset because it’s hidden by the mountains
Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

Our Favorite Elopement Activities

Now that we’ve chatted about how your timeline is going to look and how important it is, let’s get to the good stuff. Activities to do on your elopement day! Like we chatted about before, your day can be as unique to you and your love as you want. Figure out what is important to you and make that a priority for your day, the rest can come after. There is no right or wrong way to plan an elopement, but if you need help we are always here! 

We know you are dying to read some of the examples now so we won’t hold you any longer. Without further ado, our list of some of our favorite elopement activities:

Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

Have a first dance

One of the most important things to chat about here is that just because you’re eloping doesn’t mean you can’t do all the typical traditional wedding things. Have a first look, have a ceremony, do a first dance. If these things are important to you don’t miss out on them!

Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

Elope in a national park or a dream destination

Have a national park you and your lover always go to? OR have a dream destination you’ve always wanted to travel to or get married in? Let’s go! Now is the time to dream big and take your love to an epic place and express your love for eachother. Plus the more epic the background the more unique and stunning photos.

Go on a hike

If you are an adventurous couple, go on a hike the day of your elopement! Most of the gorgeous backdrop spots are going to require a bit of a hike anyway. So do yourself a favor and just plan on a hike to get the best views for your day.

Elopement Activities: How to Make Your Elopement Special

Have a private chef cook you dinner

Once you express your love and say “I Do” to the love of your life, you’re going to be hungry. Just because you decided to have a more intimate event doesn’t mean you need to miss out on the good food! Hire a private chef to cook you and your lover dinner after your elopement ceremony. You won’t regret having an amazing meal after your ceremony without having to go to a restaurant or do the dishes!

Cliff jumping the morning of

Craving more excitement and adventure for your day? Go cliff jumping before your elopement! Make this a day you’ll never forget for more than one reason. Going cliff jumping or even do a fun adventure with your partner that you have always wanted to do before. It’ll add that extra touch of fun to the day.

Ceremony on a surfboard

Love surfing or the ocean? Consider saying your vows on surfboards in the ocean! Your ceremony can be as unique as your love. What is more unique than a surfboard ceremony? If you and your lover are lovers of the sea then give this a thought!

Top of the mountain ceremony and ski down

If you live in Colorado and are anything like us, you love skiing. If skiing is something near and dear to your relationship as a couple, then why not include it in your day? Take a lift to the top of the mountain, have your ceremony at the top with killer views, and then ski down with your new spouse. Plus how badass would it be to be skiing down in a tux and wedding dress. 

Take a helicopter ride

How often do you take a helicopter ride for fun? Now imagine saying your vows on one or taking a ride right after professing your love to your partner… Epic right? We agree! That’s exactly why taking a helicopter ride for your big day made its way to this list.

Elope in a hot air balloon

Picture this: You’re in a hot air balloon taking in all the views and your lover just finishes saying “I Do”. You kiss your husband/wife for the first time and look out to the most gorgeous views. Doesn’t that sound like perfection? Elope in a hot air balloon and make your elopement day anything but ordinary!

Your elopement day should be just as special as you are. We hope that this list helps you add a little spice to your elopement day to make it everything you dreamed of. If you are struggling with how to make these things happen, let’s chat! We’d love to help you make this the best day of your life!


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